Lynn Kehler

Lynn Kehler

Lynn has been married to David Kehler since 1974 and has 2 children and 3 grandchildren. She has been a counsellor with Crocus Counselling Centre since 1994 which has been very fulfilling. She has attended Calvary Chapel in Steinbach since 1994. She has enjoyed mentoring young women, and has been the Women's Group leader for several years. In 2011 Lynn and Dave began their mission trips to Rwanda, training the leaders of The Pentecostal Church of Rwanda (ADEPR). In 2013, Lynn was asked to write a training manual and has trained over 360 women in Peer Counselling.

Helen Bronconier

Helen Bronconier

Helen has been an active part of Calvary Chapel since 2006. She has been involved in children’s ministry and is currently involved in art ministry and on the Bridges Beyond Fundraising Team.
She has also lead worship at church for our ladies ministry, has a gift for prophetic songs and is looking forward to what the Lord has for her in the future in those areas.
She is excited to be a part of the healing mission that the Lord has Dave and Lynn in, and she is hoping to one day make it to Rwanda in person…. God willing.